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.... DEM or .... EURO payment shall be made by the contract signing, and the rest /...... DEM or .... EURO/ of the payment shall be till ../../2013.


.... DEM shall be paid at marina before the charter starting date /credit card –AMEX,EC-MC,DC or VISA; or cash/.


Transit log: /... DEM or ... EURO/
  /... DEM or ... EURO/
Outboard:   /... DEM or ... EURO/
Skipper:      /... DEM or ... EURO/


"Name" Place, description, ... GATE
Take-over starting at 5.00 p.m. on Saturday.
Returning back until 9.00 a.m. on Saturday, or on Friday


The charterer e.i. the yacht skipper hereby declares that he has all the nautical skills and the necessary licence for the yacht navigation in the open sea.The charterer is obliged to present to charteree photocopy of yacht navigation permission, names, addresses, dates of the birth and passport numbers of the all crew members.

The charter conditions are the consistent part of this Charter-party and it is certified by signatures.




RENTAL FEE: Rental fee includes: yacht dues for its usage in the period of time stated in the contract. Rental fee does not include: petrol expenses, tourist taxes and a mooring place out of domicile marina.The yacht shall be given at charterer's disposal clean, in working order and with full fuel and water reservoirs, and in the same conditions should be returned.


HAND-OVER AND ACCEPTANCE: The charteree is obliged to hand-over the yacht in the time and the place as agreed, in working order. If there is any reason for charteree to not fulfil above mentioned conditions charterer has right to ask for money return, for the days he has not used the yacht. If the charteree is not able to provide the yacht from the charter party in 24 hours or replace with the new one, or same quality, size and the number of  beds, charterer has right to breach the contract and claims on payment. The charterer has no right to obtain any other compensation. Before the yacht taking-over the charterer has to check if the yacht is in working order and to check the inventory quoted on the inventory list. Any possible complains should be made until the start of navigation. On hand-over inventory quoted on the inventory list should be checked  again to see if the yacht and the equipment are in working order. The charterer is obliged to return the vessel roughly cleaned and tidied without the crew and their personal luggage at least until the time specified by this Charter-party, including the physical take-over lasting for an hour. Therefor, it is recommended to return the vessel in the marina the night before the Charter-party termination date. If the returning of the yacht is latter that stated in this Charter-party, the charterer has following costs:

- for the delay op to three hours - one day rental fee 

- for the delay of more than three hours - three time days rental fee plus all other expenses.

Delay can’t be  justified by bad weather conditions.


DEPOSIT: Deposit shall be paid at marina before the charter starting date in cash, cheques, credit cards/AMEX,DC,EC-MC/, and it is paid back (whole amount), on the return of the yacht. Yacht should be returned on time in specified place, in working order with all inventory quoted in the inventory list. Lost inventory or any damage will be paid from deposit.


INSURANCE: The yacht is insured against damages from third parties. It also has full (CASCO) insurance, which includes marine risk (full insurance) collision, responsibility to passengers and the bathers, and salvage yacht body charges. If there is a damage which happened during the sailing, the charterer is obliged to inform the insurance company immediately on contrary the charterer is to pay all the cost himself. Insurance covers all the damages by franchise caused by weather or from the other natural disasters, but not the damages made on purpose. Charges for purpose made damages are not limited by deposit, all expenses caused by damage made on purpose must be paid.

Damages on the sails shall be paid by charter.


CHARTERER'S LIABILITY: Charterer is obliged to pay all charges for failures made himself, for which charteree has criminal and financial responsibility. Charterer is responsible for yacht taking away by foreign  state authorities because of illegal actions. In the case of damage or accident charterer is obliged to write down a suitable report and to inform harbour headquarters, police, doctors and the charteree in the event of the missing the yacht, detention of vessel or navigation ban by third parties or foreign government institutions. The charterer is obliged to check daily oil level in the engine. The damage caused with the above mentioned action is not insured and the charterer has to pay for damage by himself.


CHARTERER'S OBLIGATION: The charterer is obliged to take care of the yacht and navigate it carefully and according to the rules of a good  navigator; he shall navigate within border sailing area; the yacht shall not be given rented to any third party or used under the storm weather during the night or used for the night fishing. The charterer will not take a place in the races. The chartere is obliged to keep a log book.


A CHARTER  TERMINATION: If the charterer from any reason cannot start charter the charterer can find a new charterer himself (with previous acceptance of charteree). If the charterer is not able to find another charterer, charteree keeps:

- 30% of rental fee for termination two months before the charter starting date

- 50% of rental fee for termination a month before the charter starting date

- 100% of rental fee for termination less than one month.

If the cancellation is due to objective reasons (death of a family member, heavy injury, war or other) the accepted deposit shall not be paid back, but the charteree shall give the yacht to the charterer at his disposal for another free period of time or within another season.


COMPETENCY: Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract will be solved by peaceful agreement, and eventual unsolved cases which cannot be solved peacefully, shall be under court's jurisdiction in the charteree's residence


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EUagent, Yacht charter Croatia , Noleggio di barche Croazia
EUagent, 45 Spyvee Street, Hull, UK , euagentbooking@gmail.com , + 44 1482 455822
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